Final (OT)
Sunday, May 19th 2019 @ 4pm
Dormont Degenerates -2 CHAMPS Scoring
#11 Cody G (unassisted) |
#46 Tay W (#21 Dave F) |
#21 Dave F (#11 Cody G, #28 Sean C) |
#11 Cody G (#21 Dave F, #16) |
Goalie of Record: (non-roster / fill-in)
Troopers -4 Scoring
#15 Jake J (#11, #83 Adam C) |
#11 (#12 Ed J) |
#12 Ed J (#15 Jake J) |
#15 Jake J (#12 Ed J) |
#11 (#12 Ed J) gwg |
Goalie of Record: (non-roster / fill-in)