Misfits -5B  4
P1 -3B  11
Sunday, March 1st 2020 @ 8pm

Misfits -5B Scoring
#43 (#27)
#43 (unassisted)
#43 (unassisted)
#43 (unassisted)
Goalie of Record: (non-roster / fill-in)

P1 -3B Scoring
#96 (#27 John "JB" P, #84 Tom S)
#3 Adam B (#5 Anthony B, #00 Rick F)
#91 Tanner F (#5 Anthony B)
#96 (#27 John "JB" P)
#96 (#27 John "JB" P) gwg
#27 John "JB" P (#26 Shawn S)
#00 Rick F (#5 Anthony B)
#8 Matt T (#27 John "JB" P)
#96 (#26 Shawn S)
#27 John "JB" P (#26 Shawn S, #91 Tanner F)
#84 Tom S (#5 Anthony B)
Goalie of Record: Doc (4 GA)